Being able to find a snoring solution that really works can seem like a daunting task. There are a lot of different products on the market, some of which may actually cause you harm if used in conjunction with another product or medication. Most people are frustrated by their inability to stop snoring and become desperate for a cure, but before you rush out to buy any sleep aids, it’s important to understand what causes snoring and what your specific situation is.
Before we get into the specifics of snoring and its causes, it’s important to know what it is and how it happens. Snoring occurs when air gets trapped in the throat. When your tongue or jaw relaxes and blocks the airway, it vibrates causing the sound you hear as snoring. While it’s not as common as the problems associated with sleep apnea, snoring can cause a whole host of issues in many people, including allergies, discomfort, headaches, depression, weight gain, fatigue, emotional distress, and more.
There are a number of different reasons why people snore, but there are two main types of snoring that most people experience. They are called obstructive and dissociative snoring. If you’re wondering why you’re snoring, here are the main reasons.
Obstructive snoring: This type of snoring is caused by a combination of factors. Your nasal passages may be obstructed and thus preventing the easy passage of air. You may also be running a vacuum over your head while sleeping and this can also have an effect on your airways.
When you’re asleep, you relax your throat muscles to hold your tongue still, this is called facial locking. As you go to sleep, these muscles relax and become less powerful, allowing air to pass through your mouth. When you breathe in through your nose during the night, this relaxation of your throat muscles allows air to pass through easier. Another factor that contributes to snoring is whether your jaw is relaxed or not. If your jaw is slouched forward during sleep, you will find it is more difficult to breathe when you’re asleep. Therefore, your throat muscles become weaker and more easily irritated and blocked.
If your jaw relaxes and then relaxes again, it causes the airway to become blocked. This becomes more common during the nights as people sleep, but even when they sleep at night, they often use an obstruction device to keep their airway open. In this way, the snoring can be controlled with a device.
Dissociative snoring: The other type of snoring that’s commonly seen is called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where the person stops breathing for a few seconds during sleep. If this often happens, your airway becomes significantly obstructed and you may wake up from your sleep with a choking sensation in your throat.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, it can cause a number of problems in your life. Because it interrupts your nightly sleep, you will likely wake up several times throughout the night and may find it difficult to fall back to sleep. It can also result in damage to your relationships and your health because many people with sleep apnea are also overweight or obese.
It’s important to understand that snoring doesn’t necessarily mean you have sleep apnea, and the condition can be the cause of it. The only way to know for sure is to have your doctor do a complete checkup and have a blood test to determine whether you suffer from sleep apnea or not.
If you have a loved one who suffers from sleep apnea, it’s crucial to make sure they get treatment, as this potentially dangerous sleep disorder can be dangerous. People who snore can also have a lack of energy, may feel irritable, be in pain, have poor memory, suffer from allergies, and so much more. Remember, these are all the same problems that sleep apnea causes.
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