When your body is under stress, it can be very hard to handle at times. Our bodies have a built-in defense system called the adrenal glands. These glands are used to alert us of danger and keep us safe.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol protects the body from harmful attacks by damaging the body cells and tissues. The body uses cortisol to protect us from the effects of injury, infection, high temperature, shock, and fear.
High levels of cortisol have been associated with increased risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. While this may sound good, there is another side to the story. High levels of cortisol can be harmful if they are too high. This is because the adrenal glands produce their own form of cortisol.
When you have a stressful situation in your life you might become extremely sensitive to the stress in your body. If you are exposed to a stressful situation for a long period of time, your body becomes sensitive to the effects of this stressful environment. Eventually, your body will develop a chronic anxiety disorder.
When you have a stressful situation, your body is going to respond to the stress in many ways, some of which are difficult to see from the stress symptoms. Cortisol is a hormone that makes it easier for you to feel a lot of pain and discomfort, as well as to have great difficulty functioning.
Some of the stress symptoms of the body, or of the adrenal glands include increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, restlessness, sweating, headache, insomnia, stomach aches, nausea, weight gain, tremors, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, depression, rapid or shallow breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, stiff necks, tremors, blurred vision, memory loss, irregular heartbeats, migraines, gastrointestinal problems, gastritis, sinus problems, eye problems, toothaches, diarrhea, asthma, sinus infections, and skin rashes. Each of these symptoms has a specific cause and each will vary in severity. They will also vary in intensity.
They are all caused by stress in your daily life. Stress in your life will lead to increased symptoms as the stress level builds up over time. By the time you reach the severe level of stress, the symptoms will be so severe that you will not be able to function normally.
There are several types of anxiety disorders. I only have a few examples here. First, are the panic and anxiety disorders. These are psychological disorders that are not fully understood but are typically linked to chemical imbalances in the brain.
People who suffer from anxiety disorders are usually depressed, they are worried about things like how they look, or the amount of money they have, they worry that they might not be liked by others. Stress, which is often the cause of these problems, will make the anxiety disorder worse.
Because minor stress is so common we do not always realize we are suffering from it. If you spend most of your day thinking about what you want, what you need, or worrying about something and not experiencing any stress in your life you may not be getting the rest you need.
As soon as you start to notice any of the symptoms of stress you should consult with a physician, an experienced mental health professional, or an alternative health care provider, such as a naturopathic physician, who has trained in natural health care and have had some experience with treating anxiety and stress disorders. You can even seek help from your family doctor. They can provide some valuable insight and information that you may not be aware of that may help you get help.
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