Need more ways to fight acid reflux disease? You’ll find ten tips in this article that just may help you to feel better.
Have you ever experienced burning pain in your throat or chest not long after eating a meal? Has this pain been so severe that you wondered if it was a heart attack? If this happens to you, you need to seek medical help.
However, it could just be acid reflux disease. If that’s what you’ve been experiencing, this article just might help you to feel better. I’ve provided 10 tips for you to protect yourself against acid reflux attacks.
So if you suffer from what is also known as heartburn or acid indigestion, these 10 tips could help you.
1. Be sure to eat slowly because if you eat too quickly, this could aggravate your acid reflux condition.
2. Why not keep a journal of foods that set off acid indigestion? It’s easy to forget what we have eaten, but if you keep a written record of what you eat and how you feel afterward, it could be of great help to you.
3. It’s important not to carry a lot of excess weight because it can make your acid reflux worse. That’s because the extra fat in your abdomen can press against your stomach allowing the sphincter muscle between your stomach and the esophagus to relax. Then acids from your stomach can back up into the esophagus and cause acid reflux.
4. Don’t let stress overpower you since it can easily cause your acid reflux disease to act up.
5. Consider taking herbal supplements and digestive enzymes to help you in your fight against reoccurring acid reflux symptoms. You can find these at health food stores.
6. Watch out for fried fatty foods and eliminate them from your diet as much as possible since they can cause acid indigestion.
7. Try not to eat too much at mealtime. Gorging yourself when you eat can cause acid reflux disease symptoms.
8. Be sure to eat enough fiber in your meals because fiber is good for keeping your digestive system functioning properly. A healthy digestive system can guard you from the symptoms of acid reflux disease.
9. Start and maintain a regular program of exercising because exercising can help protect you from acid reflux attacks.
10. Many people suffer their worst acid reflux attacks when they’re sleeping at night. If that describes you, put gravity to work for you by raising the top of your bed with blocks. You can also invest in a specially made acid reflux pillow.
Now that you’ve read these 10 tips, you’ve armed yourself with helpful ways to prevent acid reflux disease symptoms. That is if you put these hints into practice. So why not try some or all of these suggestions and see if you don’t feel better.
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